
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Sugar and caffeine on the cheap

I hate leftover candy canes. They are nice to have at Christmas, but everyone always buys a ton of them and they either sit in a cabinet until the next Christmas or get thrown out after someone realizes they have sat in a cabinet for six months.

But I have a solution to this problem:
Mint Mocha

For this you will need one packet of hot cocoa mix, one cup of coffee, and one candy cane. Just mix the coffee and hot cocoa then add the candy cane. Or, if you are like me, save yourself from dirtying silverware and mix the coffee and cocoa WITH the candy cane speeding up the process.

The candy cane will eventually dissolve and turn your coffee into a tasty, sugar filled, and caffeinated deliciousness that is mint mocha. And you can relax in knowing you did not spend $3 or more per drink at Starbucks or some other coffee establishment.

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